Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

No WHAT I', as I just did it yesterday, so nothing has changed.

Besides, this one's for the Moms out there.

Like the vast majority of humans, I have a mother. We haven't always seen eye to eye on every issue, but I love her. Our communication is pretty limited, as we both hate to talk on the phone, and in person we're both quiet. But we do get along. I've got nothing but respect for all she's done for me over the last 33 years. There's no more loving mother out there.

I've got two mother-in-laws. Both are very good people. Both would do anything they possibly could for you. Both have their funny quirks. My wife's mother is a very active woman but also forgetful, so conversations with her can be funny. But it's not laughing at her, as she knows this about herself. My wife's stepmother is also a nice woman, but has an incredible overreaction to heat of any kind. When it gets above 62 degrees, she is sitting in front of the air conditioner with a little handheld fan blowing on her too.

But my favorite mother in all the world is my beautiful wife, Mrs. K. The mother of my first born, Number One Son, and the child yet to be born, Cletus/Shetus the Fetus. She's a great mother, nobody cares more for their child(ren). She's always thinking of the kid(s) first. It's a thing of beauty to watch her and Number One Son playing together.

I love her, and vote her the World's Best Mommy on this day set aside for her.

Happy Mother's Day, Kimbers.

Be seeing you.

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