Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Some Random Thoughts from the Dung Pile

WHAT I'M LISTENING TO: A lot of "Had a Bad Day" and "Swans", as they are the boy's two favorite songs. He likes to sing a long, but there's hell to pay if you try and join him.

WHAT I'M WATCHING: Finished "The Ground Truth" last night. Watching the two Champions League games of the day.

WHAT I'M READING: Just got some books on Buddhism from the library. Not sure where to start.

Random Thoughts:

1. I'll never understand the love for American Idol. To me, the competition is flawed. The singers are not allowed to choose their own tunes, but are forced to sing from the songbook of other artists. If you have to sing funk that week, and you just can't do funk, it could knock you out. That's not what recording artists face in the biz. Nobody expects Justin Timberlake to sing heavy metal on his next album, because that's not his style. Also, I can only think of one past winner who actually is doing something in the music industry, and that's the first one. So millions have watched and voted for American Idol winners who basically go nowhere after winning. If they truly are THE American Idol, shouldn't they have some kind of career after it?

Not a reality show fan. Don't watch them. Never understood the Survivor phenom either. C'mon, if you are stranded on an island, you aren't going to go all "every man for himself" or even form teams. You would all band together to get off that damn island. Nobody is ever rescued and says "I survived because I screwed everybody else who was stranded with me". It's just dumb to me.

2. To me, there is no abortion controversy. In fact, there's a simple solution to decreasing the amount of abortions in the USA. It's called sex ed. Kids and teens who are taught proper sex ed will know how to use a condom, and the pill, and the morning after drug if necessary. When they do that, unwanted abortions are cut down significantly. Take a look at the facts. Holland is a nation with great sex ed, and also the lowest abortion rates on the globe (if memory is correct). It goes hand in hand. Telling kids to abstain is sending them out there unprepared to stop unwanted pregnancies, which lead to abortions, which the people pushing this nonsense on our kids claim not to want have happen. Simple logic would solve that problem.

3. Will also never understand the whole "ban gay marriage" mindset. Who really cares, in the end? How will two guys (or two gals) getting married really, REALLY effect the rest of America. Like my marriage will suddenly mean less because Johnny and Jimmy like riding each other's ass whilst all oiled up.

What's the big deal against homosexuality anyway? What actual harm do gay people cause us? What rights of mine are they trampling? If two guys next door like doing each other, it doesn't change anything in my life. Nobody has ever decided "Hey, I wanna smoke my pal's cock" because they saw a gay couple out in public. There is no evidence, nor is there anything you can say that will ever convince me that somebody decides to be gay. I never decided to be straight. I just found women attractive. I can look at a guy and see why women think he's handsome. But I in no way find him attractive. I see a beautiful woman, I enjoy looking. It just happens naturally. I don't find myself staring at a guy. I don't see how anybody could force themselves to do that. "I don't really think Lenny's good looking, but being gay is so cool and has so many benefits that I'll fool myself".

To claim that homosexuality is a choice is to say that one chooses to be straight also. If that's true, than we all have straight and gay traits inside. I just don't see it. Here at Dung!, when we smell bullshit, we say so.

I smells me some bullshit!

4. I'm trying to develop this more, but let me just toss out the small taste here.

There is a difference between ignorance and racism, and often we don't realize it.

Stay tuned for more on that.

5. Can somebody offer up any evidence whatsoever that Dubya isn't the worst president we've ever had. I'm glad I'm not a Republican, because I would hate to have to ignore all the facts to still defend him.

6. This is America. We're not that stupid (voting Bush in twice aside). So why do companies spend money on commercials with actors singing the praises? Has anybody ever been fooled by that? Do you buy a product based on what some actor says? I'm not talking famous either. I'm talking the unknown actors providing "testimonial" about how great product X is. "I love my Vonage phone" or whatever.

On a related note, why do beer companies even advertise? They are going to sell their product. Just like tobacco, people will buy it without a single TV ad. Yeah, beer commercials can be funny. But save the money. It's not necessary.

That's all I got for now. Man United and Roma are lining up.

Be seeing you.

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